What grades are at Ignite?

In the 2024 - 2025 school year, Ignite serves families with children ages 2 - 13 (PreK2 - 7th grade). We will be adding grades each school year up to Grade 12.

For 2025 - 2026 school year, we will add 8th grade, serving children ages 2-13 or 14.

How much is tuition?

The total cost to educate each student at Ignite depends on grade and is about $8,000 or less per student. However, the ‘family share’ of tuition at Ignite Classical School is affordable for all of our families. The tuition minimum with student aid and scholarships is about $200 per month for a family combined with available scholarships and is calculated based on household income and family size. Full tuition is paid for every student either by the family or by a combination of family and scholarship or family and sponsorship. We are positioned to award over $150,000 in state and school scholarships this coming school year. To learn more about the application process, visit us, call us or send an email to [email protected]

Is Ignite accredited?

Yes! Ignite Classical School is accredited through Christian Schools International in association with Cognia, who will be overseeing our full accreditation over the next four years.

Is Ignite a charter school or a private school?

Ignite is a private Christian school that receives funding from individuals, corporations, and other Christian organizations. We do NOT receive government funding. State scholarship that covers the cost of education every school year from application through Grade 12 may be available to students who apply by January of each school year.

Are programs available for gifted students?

Yes. Our Individualized Learning Plans (ILPs) are designed for each student and creates a progression plan that best serves the student and his or her growth. ILPs meet the needs of gifted students as well as students who may be behind their peers.

What curriculum will be used?

The curriculum used at Ignite is all classical in nature. Our curriculum is a combination of classical resources and texts that have been used in other classical school settings. Details on our curriculum can be found on our Academics page.

What denomination is Ignite affiliated with?

Ignite is nondenominational, and not affiliated with any denomination.

Is there Before Care or After Care?

Yes! Students can participate in Before Care between 6:45 am and 7:15 am, at which time school starts. After care begins at 3:45 pm when the school day ends and continues until 6:00 pm. Before Care or After Care can be added at parent request.

Are there fees for Before Care and After Care?

Yes. Fees are $100 per week per student for Before Care and $100 per week per student for After Care.

Will students wear uniforms?

Yes! Uniform shirts are available for purchase through Ignite. Students wear a navy, gray, or purple polo shirt with the school logo and gray or navy bottoms. A school t-shirt is worn on Service Learning Days.

Is there transportation?

Yes! Transportation is available for families who desire it. Students are transported from Shreveport and Bossier City. More information can be found about transportation on the Additional Information page.

Is there a cost for transportation?

Yes. The cost is $40/month per student for transportation.

Will there be trips?

Yes! Students at Ignite have the opportunity to learn more about the community around them, the state they live in, and beyond through educational and enriching trips. Students and families also have the opportunity to participate in our Hundred Miles program which takes students 100 miles further each year.

What are school hours?

The Pre-K day goes from 8:00 am - 2:00 pm. For students in Kindergarten and up, the day goes from 7:20 am until 3:45 pm. 


What grades are at Ignite?

In the 2024 - 2025 school year, Ignite serves families with children ages 2 - 13 (PreK2 - 7th grade). We will be adding grades each school year up to Grade 12.

For 2025 - 2026 school year, we will add 8th grade, serving children ages 2-13 or 14.

How much is tuition?

The total cost to educate each student at Ignite depends on grade and is about $8,000 or less per student. However, the ‘family share’ of tuition at Ignite Classical School is affordable for all of our families. The tuition minimum with student aid and scholarships is about $200 per month for a family combined with available scholarships and is calculated based on household income and family size. Full tuition is paid for every student either by the family or by a combination of family and scholarship or family and sponsorship. We are positioned to award over $150,000 in state and school scholarships this coming school year. To learn more about the application process, visit us, call us or send an email to [email protected]

Is Ignite accredited?

Yes! Ignite Classical School is accredited through Christian Schools International in association with Cognia, who will be overseeing our full accreditation over the next four years.

Is Ignite a charter school or a private school?

Ignite is a private Christian school that receives funding from individuals, corporations, and other Christian organizations. We do NOT receive government funding. State scholarship that covers the cost of education every school year from application through Grade 12 may be available to students who apply by January of each school year.

Are programs available for gifted students?

Yes. Our Individualized Learning Plans (ILPs) are designed for each student and creates a progression plan that best serves the student and his or her growth. ILPs meet the needs of gifted students as well as students who may be behind their peers.

What curriculum will be used?

The curriculum used at Ignite is all classical in nature. Our curriculum is a combination of classical resources and texts that have been used in other classical school settings. Details on our curriculum can be found on our Academics page.

What denomination is Ignite affiliated with?

Ignite is nondenominational, and not affiliated with any denomination.

Is there Before Care or After Care?

Yes! Students can participate in Before Care between 6:45 am and 7:15 am, at which time school starts. After care begins at 3:45 pm when the school day ends and continues until 6:00 pm. Before Care or After Care can be added at parent request.

Are there fees for Before Care and After Care?

Yes. Fees are $100 per week per student for Before Care and $100 per week per student for After Care.

Will students wear uniforms?

Yes! Uniform shirts are available for purchase through Ignite. Students wear a navy, gray, or purple polo shirt with the school logo and gray or navy bottoms. A school t-shirt is worn on Service Learning Days.

Is there transportation?

Yes! Transportation is available for families who desire it. Students are transported from Shreveport and Bossier City. More information can be found about transportation on the Additional Information page.

Is there a cost for transportation?

Yes. The cost is $40/month per student for transportation.

Will there be trips?

Yes! Students at Ignite have the opportunity to learn more about the community around them, the state they live in, and beyond through educational and enriching trips. Students and families also have the opportunity to participate in our Hundred Miles program which takes students 100 miles further each year.

What are school hours?

The Pre-K day goes from 8:00 am - 2:00 pm. For students in Kindergarten and up, the day goes from 7:20 am until 3:45 pm. 

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Experience the vibrant learning environment at Ignite Classical School by booking a visit today. Explore our classrooms, meet our dedicated educators, and discover how we inspire academic excellence and personal growth.